F-1 Super Battle – PA151

By | July 3, 2021

F-1 Super Battle is a racing game from 1994 for Jaleco’s Mega System 32 arcade board. It’s notable features are that it still features sprite graphics fairly late for an arcade game, and the upright arcade cabinet is a somewhat unusual egg shape. No composer information in this mini episode, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the music!

  • Special thanks to GTheGuardian for the original rip on VGMRips
  • Check out the weird egg shaped arcade cabinet at arcade-museum.com

Composer unknown

Track List:

  • 00:05 Course Selection
  • 00:28 Name Entry, Ranking (Background)
  • 06:25 Attract Mode
  • 14:07 Unknown BGM 1
  • 17:59 Final Lap
  • 20:51 Game Over

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