Tag Archives: Barry Leitch

Retro Racers feat Horizon Chase with Barry Leitch – PA34

Racing games in the 90s were a very important part of gaming history and culture. Games like OutRun, Top Gear, F-Zero, and the Lotus series brought us a formula that not only defined the genre but also inspired many of us growing up. Barry Leitch, the composer from many well-loved retro games, makes an incredible… Read More »

Composing Utopia with Barry Leitch – PA16

The gaming world has been playing Civilization-style simulation games for a long time and the genre has a long history of deep/enriching games that keep the player hooked for countless hours. Sadly, Utopia: The Creation of a Nation fell short of our simulation-theme nostalgia but totally hooked us with its incredible soundtrack. In the early… Read More »