Composing Utopia with Barry Leitch – PA16

By | February 1, 2015

pixelated audio episode 16 utopia barry leitch

The gaming world has been playing Civilization-style simulation games for a long time and the genre has a long history of deep/enriching games that keep the player hooked for countless hours. Sadly, Utopia: The Creation of a Nation fell short of our simulation-theme nostalgia but totally hooked us with its incredible soundtrack.

In the early 90’s Gremlin Software released Utopia on an array of systems – DOS, Amiga, Atari ST and SNES. In addition to all versions looking and playing similarly, they also share the same composer. Barry Leitch got his start way back on the C64 and has been doing amazing soundtracks for over 30 years across more than 240 games. Join us as we listen to these utopian melodies and have a quick chat with the composer himself.

Track List:

0:00:00 In Game Music (Atari ST)
0:04:39 In Game 2 (Amiga)
0:15:52 In Game 4 (SNES)
0:35:54 In Game 3 (Ami)
0:51:25 In Game 1 (DOS Roland MT-32)
1:08:38 Utopia (TGH BIG MIX) Remix by Barry Leitch

Utopia: The Creation of a Nation Composed by Barry Leitch | VGMpf Profile | Wikipedia | VGMdb | SoundCloud

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