Game On: Quadrant (C64) – PA70

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Quadrant C64 Game On Thomas DetertToday we bring you the tunes from a lesser-known Commodore 64 title called Quadrant composed by Thomas Detert. While the game might not be all that amazing, it has an awesome soundtrack that will definitely get you moving. We’ve also snuck in some bonus content to showcase Detert’s other work around the time the game was released from the Game On Disk Magazines. Take a listen!

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Neo Turf Masters with Takushi Hiyamuta – PA69

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Takushi Hiyamuta Neo Turf Masters Neo Geo

One of our favorite golf games ever made. Before they were part of SNK, Nazca proved to the industry that they could hang with the best of em. Neo Turf Masters, being one of their first, showcased arcade golf at its finest which drove the game to becoming one of our favorite sports titles ever made. It has great gameplay and clean graphics but the soundtrack is the star with its upbeat, jazzy-fusion and soaring solos composed by Takushi Hiyamuta.

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5 Years of VGMRips – PA68

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming VGMrips vgmrips.netJoin us as we celebrate 5 years of VGMRips with many of the people responsible, not only for its maintenance and up keep but its creation. We’ve asked our friends to share a song that has significance to them and to tell us about it in their own words. This led to an episode crammed with beautiful tunes (across many platforms) that we all think you’ll enjoy.

Thank you VGMRips community, for all that you’ve done for video game music lovers and also preserving these tracks for generations to come. We’re so proud to be a part of it. Here’s to 5 more years!

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Expansion Pack XVI: Extra-Life 2016 – PA67

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Extra Life 2016 Charity Event

This week we’re bringing you a special episode from our Extra-Life 2016 charity event  (24 hour gaming marathon)  that took place on Nov. 5th. We asked the other team members to pick a track from any game that was special to them and tell us why. As always it was a great time with awesome music and good friends. So we invite you to listen to us slowly lose our minds over the course of the 24 hour gaming marathon in another expansion pack. Continue reading

Hole Chaser with Masahiro Kajihara – PA66

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Hole Chaser YM2608 Masahiro Kajihara Ryokusui Sound Team PC-8801

Some games are just flat-out terrible and destined to never to see overflowing love from the gaming world (but that’s okay). This describes Hole Chaser for the PC-8801 perfectly. If you were to pass over this game because of its graphics or because of the erotic storytelling you would be missing out on one truly amazing soundtrack by Masahiro Kajihara. In this episode of Pixelated Audio we’re making sure that this music isn’t forgotten and can receive some of the love it deserves plus an interview the composer!

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Red Alarm – PA65

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Red Alarm Virtual Boy

In the 90’s saying Nintendo consoles sucked would get you some new bruises on the at recess. Within 10 years they wrapped up the NES, blew our minds with the Super NES, and followed that with Nintendo 64. You could be thinking to yourself, “Maybe if I mentioned the how bad the Virtual Boy sucked my would-be playground attackers might leave me alone.” But seeing as how the system has been a sore subject for Nintendo fanboys (and girls) since its debut, they might even hit you harder.

Today we have the music from Red Alarm by T&E Soft to prove that no matter what you’ve heard about this system, it doesn’t mean it didn’t have some cool music with awesome stereo effects.

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