PA Music Disk Vol. 1 – PA72

By | January 1, 2017

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Orphe Music DiskWith the new year we’d like to introduce you to one of the two new show styles that we will be added into the mix. “Pixelated Audio Music Disk Volumes” are a mixture of game music arrangements and original tunes created by the doujin (同人) groups of the late 80s through the 90s and each episode will revolve around a single disk. This episode we’ll be looking at the first Orphe Music Disk released in 1991 for the NEC PC-8801 and playing our selection from the 40 tracks created for the SoundBoard II by this killer music-centric team. Enjoy!

Track List:

  • 0:00:00 Tower of the Shadow of Death – Ys (arr.)
  • 0:06:38 Sky Shooting (YAMA)
  • 0:16:11 Don’t Submit (YAMA)
  • 0:18:51 Heart of Fire (Stage 5) – Castlevania (arr.)
  • 0:21:33 Be Brave! (RIU)
  • 0:24:49 Battle Master (YAMA)
  • 0:30:12 Sand Storm – Gradius III (arr.)
  • 0:33:03 Last Night (YAMA)
  • 0:37:41 Glitter Sky (YAMA)
  • 0:43:18 Shrine (RIU)
  • 0:47:23 Nostalgic – Lightning Fighters/Trigon (arr. KIN)
  • 0:51:39 Ambition (YAMA)
  • 0:59:51 Oath (YAMA)

Orphe Music Disk (1991, Orphe) – PC-8801 for Sound Board II
Music Driver: SPLIT v.G3/Good_Software – Easy PCM Driver P-kun ver.2 by Hayashi

Composed/Arranged by:
Takayoshi Yamamoto (YAMA) 山本高義
Ryuichi Hasegawa (RIU) 長谷川隆一
Hijiri Kinbara (KIN) 金原聖

今回は、MUSIC DISKを御買上くださって、まことに有難うございます。本来ならば、RPGを売成させなければいけないのですが色々あって延期(?)となりました。(と、言っても実はプログラマーの僕が単にさぼっただけかも)そこで今回は仕方が無く(!?) MUSIC DISKということになってしまいました。僕の曲も入っていますので、よろしければ感想を送ってください。
山本 高義(プログラマー)

2 thoughts on “PA Music Disk Vol. 1 – PA72

  1. Bowl of Lentils

    Hey, I’m a new listener, started with Hole Chaser, and I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this episode about Music Disks. Your timing was perfect since I was literally just looking into music disks the other day when I saw that this episode had been posted. I’m listening through your backlog right now and I love how articulate you guys are and how you’re able to interview Japanese composers on your show. Your kung-fu is truly powerful and I feel like I learn something new with every episode. Keep up the awesome work guys!

    1. bmosley Post author

      Awesome, thanks for listening! We’re glad you’re enjoying it so far (as well as the new Music Disk episode format) and hope you stick around. :) Feel free to go thru our backlog and see if anything catches your eye (err ear)


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