Tetris DS – PA96

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming episode 96 tetris ds

After a short break, we’re back! Starting off 2018 with a new episode featuring the music of Tetris DS on the Nintendo DS. In 2006, Nintendo did classic puzzle enthusiasts a solid by not only chalking the game full their 8bit all-stars, but also producing a phenomenal Tetris title with loads of new content. Join in as we take a listen to some new arrangements of some well-loved tunes. Continue reading

Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap with guests Shinichi Sakamoto, Michael Geyre, Omar Cornut, and Romain Gauthier – PA95

Pixelated Audio Episode 95 Video Game Music Podcast. Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap with guests Shinichi Sakamoto, Michael Geyre, Omar Cornut, and Romain Gauthier

WonderBoy III: The Dragon’s Trap is a special game for a lot of people in a lot of ways. Today we will explore all the different paths to find its hidden gameplay and musical treasures. Much like the game, with its colorful cast of playable characters, we will not be alone on this journey of discovery. We are joined by the original composer Shinichi Sakamoto as well as Michael Geyre, Omar ‘Bock’ Cornut and Romain Gauthier from the amazing team that brought this game back to life in 2017 for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC. Continue reading

Expansion Pack XXI – PA94

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Expansion pack 21

Today’s Expansion Pack tends to lean heavy on the Sharp X68000 (not planned) but that’s not a bad thing. Some amazing tracks selected from the Pixelated Audio team for your listening pleasure. Be sure to let us know your thoughts about the music as well!

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PA Music Disk Vol. 3 – PA93

pixelated audio music disk pc-8801 ym2608 GC-clusterz

Pixelated Audio Music Disk Vol. 3 features the 7th and final music disk from GC-clusterz. Released in December of 1991, this compilation includes both arrangements of video game music AND original tunes made for the PC-8801 series of computers by NEC. Led by GEPPEL, this doujin group only lasted a year (as GC-clusterz) but produced a ton of music in that short span of time. Join in as we take a listen to some of our favorite tracks from this awesome indie music disk.

GC-clusterz Music Disk vol. 7
December 23, 1991 – NEC PC-8801 – SoundBoard II – PMD v3.3


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Cuphead with Kristofer Maddigan and TMR – PA92

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Cuphead Studio MDHR kristofer maddigan themexicanrunnerCuphead is the first game by the indie studio called StudioMDHR based in Canada, which was created by brothers Chad and Jared Moldenhauer.

In development since 2010, Cuphead graced the gaming world only last month but is the first of its kind. Now, we’ve seen many action platformers and many boss-battle systems pop up before (no short supply here) but a beautiful art style that is reminiscent of cartoons from the 1930s combined with a killer sound that marks an era, Cuphead is something of its own.

Join us as we chat with the current world record speed runner, The Mexican Runner, about the gameplay. And of course, composer Kristofer Maddigan about his composition.

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Yuurei-kun – PA91

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming yuurei-kun mr ghost msx msx2 manabu saitoIt’s Halloween season and we’re bringing out a soundtrack to one of the most terrifying adorable ghosts around (even makes your ghost emoji look scary). Yuurei-kun (aka Mr. Ghost) is a side-scrolling action game released for the MSX2 and higher compatible machines in 1989  both published and developed by System Sacom. While the soundtrack was written using simple PSG (3 voices), the late Manabu Saito delivered an enjoyable soundtrack that is wonderfully composed and hauntingly catchy. 

A bit of a change from our normal episodes, James is sick this week so Gene taps in to fill the void in this late night recording. We hope you enjoy it! Continue reading