Tag Archives: GBA

Masters of VGM 3: Women of Capcom – PA191

Pixelated Audio is back for the third annual Masters of VGM (@MastersofVGM), which happens every June. Various podcasts come together to highlight game composers with the theme this year focusing on the amazing women in the industry. We decided to take a more narrow focus on some of the lesser known composers at Capcom and… Read More »

Ultimate Brain Games – PA188

Ultimate Brain Games is a board game collection released for PS1 in 2003 developed by cosmigo and published by Telegames. There’s not much to say about the board games themselves; things like dominoes, chess, backgammon and the like, but the soundtrack written by Zbigniew Siatecki is great! Cosmigo was a very small German developer responsible… Read More »

Expansion Pack III – PA17

Rockage 4.0 took over our lives for the weekend so we thought it’d be fun to put out a short Expansion Pack episode (totally unrelated) while we’re on break. Dino Dini, Zoids, Tim Allen, and Golden Warpships. Kind of like a VGM buffet? Mmmmm buffet style…gotta stick some VGM rolls in my pockets for later! We’ll be back with… Read More »