GRIS with Berlinist – PA107

By | January 21, 2019

GRIS was developed by Nomada Studio and published by the hitmaker Devolver Digital in December of 2018 for Nintendo Switch/Mac/Windows. Gris is a hopeful young girl lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see her world in a different way, revealing new paths to explore using her new abilities.

Pairing with the gorgeous art by Conrad Roset is the equally beautiful and emotional soundtrack composed by Berlinist. We are joined by Gemma and Marco of Berlinist as they discuss their unique approach to music, and their close relationship with Conrad and Nomada Studio in creating the atmosphere for this game.

Berlinist is based in Barcelona Spain and made up of Marco Albano, Gemma Gamarra, and Luigi Gervasi. Most of the dreamy compositions that makes up GRIS were written by Marco, with Gemma providing the vocals. The sweeping dream-like textures combine with acoustic elements, orchestral instruments and mellow synths to make the emotional landscape of the game. Gris takes its time to convey a wide range of emotions from the tense, to the mournful, to the sublime. The soundtrack to GRIS and other albums by Berlinist can be purchased at their Bandcamp page.

Conrad Roset is a multi-talented artist that works in a wide range of mediums of hand drawn art. From his bio “Conrad Roset spent the first part of his 29 years in Terrassa, his native city, among boxes of crayons, felt-tip pens and notebooks; the other part in Barcelona, surrounded by paints, moleskine notebooks, muses, colored pencils, and in the company of his gray cat.” Conrad has worked for many high profile clients and exhibited works in galleries and museums throughout the world and he is currently a professor of illustration at the BAU Design College of Barcelona.

Nomada Studio is a small game developer based in Barcelona Spain with developers and artists experienced in illustration, painting and graphic design. After a few years spread around the world making AAA games and interactive experiences, long time friends Adrián Cuevas and Roger Mendoza met artist Conrad Roset back home in Barcelona who had an itch for bringing his art to the realm of videogames for a long time. They instantly clicked and set to create their first videogame, GRIS; which will bring the artist’s unique style to an interactive world of wonder.

GRIS, Nomada Studio 2018
Composed by Berlinist

Episode Track List:

  • 0:00:00 Debris
  • 0:09:54 Gris, Pt. 1
  • 0:25:09 Windmill
  • 0:51:28 Chiasm
  • 0:57:29 Gris, Pt. 2
  • 1:15:59 Unagi
  • 1:38:10 Komorebi

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