ExP XIX: 90s PC with Gene – PA81

By | May 15, 2017

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming The 90s were a particularly strong era for game audio on all fronts. The console market was thriving by creating a simpler way to play a game on the cheap, but the PC gaming scene continued to deliver unique experiences with many different hardware configurations. Guest, Gene Dreyband, joins us for a look at some 90s PC/AT music that rocked our world in this expansion pack.

Track List:

  • 0:00:00 The Secret of Monkey Island Theme (IBM-PC Speaker) Michael Land
  • 0:06:32 Lagoon (Classic) – Fury of the Furries (YM3812/OPL2)Frédéric Motte
  • 0:14:20 Dream – Wacky Wheels (YM3812/OPL2) – Mark Klem
  • 0:20:34 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Theme (YM3812/OPL2) – John Broomhall
  • 0:27:49 Road 5 – Sky Roads (YM3812/OPL2) – Ott M. Aaloe
  • 0:33:07 Intergalactic Travel 2 – Solar Winds: The Escape (YM3812/OPL2) – Dan Froelich
  • 0:37:30 Dune VariationDune (YMF262/OPL3 – Adlib Gold) – Stéphane Picq
  • 0:43:57 Industrious – Jazz Jackrabbit (ScreamTracker3 Module) – Robert Allen
  • 0:52:39 Wolfgang Ritter – Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (MT-32) – Robert Holmes
  • 1:00:06 The Uninvited Visitors – Dubious Island – Sorcerian Forever (YMF262/OPL3) – Falcom Sound Team jdk

12 thoughts on “ExP XIX: 90s PC with Gene – PA81

  1. eriktwice

    I thought you guys had good taste but praising Transport Tycoon’s soundtrack? That’s proof right there! ;)

    By the way, Broomhall has arranged the Transport Tycoon Deluxe soundtrack with his jazz band and plays it live. It’s by far the best version of the soundtrack, it really benefits from real instruments.

    1. bmosley Post author

      Haha! And yeah, such a great track! Hadn’t heard the live version though but man that’s gotta be incredible. Can you post a link? Thanks!!

      1. eriktwice

        Here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSFsrmLhC00.

        Apparently it’s the soundtrack for Transport Tycoon for iOS, which is actually a Locomotion port. Broomhall released some exceprts through his Sound Cloud long ago and mentioned a possible CD release that, sadly, doesn’t seem to have happened.

        1. bmosley Post author

          hot damn that’s snazzy! too bad it didn’t make the CD release because wow

    2. jbrunner

      haha so glad you guys are liking the ep and the tracks! That Transport Tycoon is a pretty rad OST and it looks like we need to do more themed Expansion Packs and/or more PC spotlights! I can’t wait to check out that live link as well :D

  2. N.O.R.M.

    Great, great episode! Not many people take a look at PC games. Especially those with lower quality sound cards.

    I’m gonna get the Transport Tycoon soundtrack today!

    1. bmosley Post author

      Thanks NORM! The OPL family deserve their respect, no doubt. Glad you enjoyed the show (and another Transport Tycoon fan emerges!)

  3. Nathan Daniels

    Guys, great episode! I’m not big on older PC music, but everything here was fantastic. Starting out with a beeper tune totally put me at ease. :) But it was all great. Great compositions from the OPL2 and 3, and also the later MIDI stuff. And no europeggios! That Fury of the Furries track really reminded me of the instrument types Matt Furniss used. And that Solar Winds: the Escape track reminded me of a slightly gritty Altered Beast track. And I’m familiar with the lesser versions of Dune, so hearing the OPL3 version was very nice. I’m also looking forward to hearing that Jazz Jackrabbit episode!

    Overall, I loved the episode. All western composers, and I liked every bit of it. Definitely have Gene on again; he knows his stuff!

    1. bmosley Post author

      see only 1 MIDI track! you must have been relieved ;) I didn’t make the comparison with Furries and Furniss but I can see how you came to that.. the attack/decay of the notes is quite similar to how matt uses his FM instruments. Very defined, clear cut (they don’t ring or carry much. more articulate if that makes sense) Thanks for brining that up!

  4. pieslice

    The four channel limitation actually had more to do with conserving CPU cycles, as mixing more channels will consume more CPU power in linear time. The actual sequenced notation data in mods consumes only a fraction of memory compared to the sample data so the memory conservation by dropping channels is negligible.

    1. bmosley Post author

      Great point, and I totally agree. I assumed the same but the quote I got from him made it sound like a physical memory requirement which was odd. When I re-read it, I realized I probably just clumped his thoughts together.

      Even though the sound engine was “cutting edge”, I was only allowed 4 different sounds at a time and some really stringent limits on the size of the song files. At the time, the goal was to have the complete shareware game, including the music files, fit one a single 1.44 MB floppy disc.

      Thanks for pointing that out!

  5. Chase Bethea

    Super awesome episode!! Gene’s picks were on point! Lot’s good game audio in the episode as well. I love the Jazz Jack Rabbit pick too!


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