B.O.B.’s Space Funk – PA27

By | June 15, 2015

Pixelated Audio Episode 27 B.O.B. - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming

What can be said about B.O.B.? Aside from the fact that he’s a funny teenage android packing heat and some wicked dance moves, probably not much. But it does summarize the protagonist of the 1993 SNES and Genesis/Mega Drive game by Grey Matter Inc. With plenty of attitude and a  sense of humor, the great gameplay and funky tunes made it kind of a surprise that we never saw a sequel.

Track List:
0:00:00 Electronic Arts Logo (Gen) / Main Theme (SNES)
0:05:56 Space City (SNES)
0:11:25 Space City (Gen)
0:18:48 Organic Life “Non-Tech Level Music 1”
0:26:02 Underground “Tech Level Music 2”
0:27:06 Boss Battle (SNES)
0:42:15 Techno Pyramid
0:48:55 Space City SNES Remix by Arsenic1987

B.O.B. (Space Funky B.O.B.) Composed by Michael Bartlow (SNES) | Arranged by Alex Rudis (Gen)

Pixelated Audio - Video Game Music podcast and Retro Gaming Listen here

2 thoughts on “B.O.B.’s Space Funk – PA27

  1. arsenic1987

    wooo. I’mma on the “radio” :P
    Thanks for sharing my remix guys. Nice show too.

    1. bmosley Post author

      Well it was an awesome track remixed very well. Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff!


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